Wednesday, 16 May 2018

GDPR Approval post - hope I'm doing it right.

I'm not sure how I make a blog GDPR compliant.

If you are receiving this post its because you signed up to receive notifications of new posts from me.

So this post is me asking if you still want to receive my posts if you don't please feel free unsubscribe.

If you want to keep seeing my posts, that makes me happy, maybe to be safe you could say yes in comments or like the post?

To be honest I don't know where your details are stored as you sign up via Blogger, Google+ or Bloglovin.   I write a post and press post, I don't add in your email addresses or details.  If they are stored with the third parties you signed up with I have no intention of sharing your information with others.  I do believe there is somewhere on Google+ that shows who follows who, but I have no control.

My name is Tracey, I live in Northampton, UK and I'm a  book blogger and reviewer.  You can contact me at

I hope you stick around as I have lots of reviews to post.


PS if you know if I've done enough re GDPR let me know.....