Title: The Guy With The Suitcase
Series: Once Upon a Guy, Book One
Author: Chris Ethan
Genre: Gay Romance, Contemporary, New Adult
Length: Novel
Pierce is homeless.Young and strong-willed Pierce has been living in the streets of New York City for six months, since his parents kicked him out of their perfect, Christian, suburban house. Pierce is gay. And he is suffering the consequences for being true to himself.
Rafe is homeless.
He is also sick. Impressionable, but far from innocent, Rafe ran away from home almost a year ago. His sickness is slowly killing him. But Rafe is not a hopeless case. He has learned to get by. Nights of paid passion turn to sheltering warmth from the imminent New York winter.
And then there’s a suitcase. Pierce’s suitcase, which holds secrets from everyone including its owner.
When their worlds collide, their lives intertwine and when the world seems bent on bringing the two souls to their knees, fate has other plans for them.
Caution: Contains adult language, New York City streets, tough life choices, sexual tension, stubborn brutes and swoon-worthy romance.
My Review
Moving, real life story of the homeless.
Rafe and Pierce both live on the streets, scraping together money from begging just enough to eat once a day. The two guys don't know each other, that is until Rafe tries to steal Pierces suitcase.
A suitcase, yes a simple little suitcase, but that case holds all he has in this world. He treasures his case as its was his grandad's. Rafe has even less and to make it worse his ill and needs meds.
These two loners are both fighting to survive in a world on the streets after their families kicked them out and abused them.
It is not a hearts and flowers romance, it's a tough life they live and they don't even like each other to begin with. They soon find support in each other and Pierce finds his spirit to fight for more - I loved his speech in the bar about 'go and sort your life out' - he took the words I was thinking in my head!
There are crude moments in this book and it makes you wonder about humanity.
It's not all doom and gloom there is humour and happiness and you will feel delight for the characthers when they experience the smallest home comforts
Pierce and Rafe find their way to a better life - they fought for it and found each other in that fight.
If only more homeless people in this world could be helped.
I have to say there were some spelling issues but I had an arc so hopefully 'linner' will read 'dinner' in your copy, I would say don't let it put you off as the story has depth.
**I received an arc for an honest review*
3.75 stars
Buy Links
Amazon US: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B018RE9K7E/Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B018RE9K7E/
Amazon AU: http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B018RE9K7E/
Amazon DE: http://www.amazon.de/dp/B018RE9K7E/
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About the Author
Chris Ethan is a book whore. He enjoys selling his feelings for money and other pleasures and is blatantly unashamed to do so for as long as he breathes. Chris Ethan is also a persona for Rhys Christopher Ethan, author of fantasy and sci-fi. He uses Chris Ethan to share stories of adult queer romance with those who need it. Before you delve into his books however, be warned. He likes putting his characters through shitstorms and hates anything conventional. But then there’s that darned happy-ever-after. Also, he likes swearing. Deal with it!Social links:
Website: http://www.rcethan.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Rhys_Ethan
Facebook: http://facebook.com/rcethan1
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